
This site is designed to keep connected and updated on all things Linkies. We hope that you will share in the joy we have raising two amazing children, Berry & Bobby Linker.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Merry Christmas Season

Holiday Photo Shoot with Monkeys and Peas



Thanksgiving 2011

These are just some random pictures from this weekend.  Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures during our stay at Alice & Sammy's house, or at Mrs. & Mr. Yoo's place, but Alice did, so hopefully in the next couple weeks, she will send those around.  All in all, we had a great long weekend, and of course, we have SO much to be thankful for. 

Eugene as a Groom

We went shopping recently to find Eugene a black suit for his wedding.  I am a proud sister.

Happy Couple

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Proud Hommee's Refrigerator Gallery

Mom Judy displays artwork, and photos of the kids on their refrigerator in the Villages.  We love the personalized frames!

Our Burger King and Princess

Linker Linker Birthday Birthday

We had a fabulous time celebrating both birthdays this year, and realize that we have all we could ever ask for.

Aunt Tricia & Uncle Sandy's Visit

What a pleasure to spend time with Tricia and Sandy.  It was so easy to talk with them, and they are so genuine and solid.  We hope that our relationship continues to evolve, as we really enjoyed each minute we had with both of them.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy 42nd Birthday to Keith!

Thank you Mom Judy for sending us these wonderful pictures of Keith as a child.  He is the rock of our family, and so cherished and loved.  Happy Birthday Hubby!

The Bunk Beds are Done!!!

Keith has worked tirelessly for over a year to create the most magical bunk beds with only hand tools, and a small porch to work from.  These beds are crafted with so much ingenuity, and love.  The kids already love them, and they are a source of pride for us.

The Princess & Her Prince

In anticipation of our guests yesterday, Berry and Bobby dressed up to greet.


Henrietta is our neighbor, Ali's dog, and she is part of our extended family.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy Boy

Keith the Barber

About a month ago, Keith shaved off Tanya's husband's hair off.  Dick wanted to cut it short since his wife, Tanya went bald due to her chemo treatments.

Hip Hop Dancing

Kids were dancing last night during the bed time routine.

Mommy Ate all the Halloween Candy

As a joke, I told the kids that I ate all of their Halloween candy.  They weren't amused.

Sunday, November 6, 2011