
This site is designed to keep connected and updated on all things Linkies. We hope that you will share in the joy we have raising two amazing children, Berry & Bobby Linker.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Linkies Love Animals

The Villages, Florida

Thanks Mom Judy for sending these pictures of the Linker property in the Villages!  The grounds look great, and we love hearing how you and Daddy Bob continue to live "the good life!"

Link O Lantern

Scary Faces!

Catch me!

Water Play


Alice, Carol, Annie and I went to Beverly Hills for one night for some "sister bonding."  It was great!

The Blue Knight

Bobby has discovered Knights at a recent family gathering, and now calls himself the Blue Knight.  The Blue Knight loves to sing and dance.

Best Friends

As the kids get older, we've seen them develop a strong friendship.  They love playing together and really seem to have fun adventures using their imagination.  So special and fun.

Bobby loves reading the Cat book, even though we have had it for a while, he seems to go back to it over and over and look at the different breeds of cats.

The beach pictures are at our local beach across the way from our place.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Priceless Enthusiasm

Berry is always ready to give Bobby a kiss to show him how much she loves him.

Tennis Lesson

We are lucky enough to have the kids enrolled in a preschool affiliated with a University.  Loyola Marymount University offers the kids tennis lessons every week during the Fall.  The kids seem to really enjoy it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hommee & Mommy Princesses

Inspired Costume

The inspiration for Bobby's costume comes from a Cinderella story found on the iPad.

Baby Yoo is Boy Yoo

We got the official word yesterday that Alice & Sammy Yoo will be having a baby BOY! We are more than thrilled about this announcement and can't wait for Baby Yoo's arrival sometime in March 2012! 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Prince Bobby & Maiden Berry

As one might guess, purchasing a "Prince" costume is hard because these types of boy costumes are not in high demand, considering the other options.  As such, a good friend of mine, Nikki Collins sewed a custom Prince outfit for Bobby for Halloween 2011.  We went to Nikki's home yesterday and then walked up the street to the pumpkin patch where Berry was mesmerized by the petting zoo, and she particularly loved the rabbits.